Thursday, August 26, 2004

Mini Sweater

Please excuse my strings.

The beginnings of my minisweater... Posted by Hello

I tried to post these pictures last night. However, having to use my cell phone for an internet connection is less than reliable. Ah well. Here they are now. I'm using TLC Amore like Carrioke did for this Minisweater pattern. I like the color* alot and the yarn is fun to knit. I had to recalculate some numbers, as my gauge was off, but it wasn't anything too major and the sweater is top down so you can adjust the length along the way. Which is what I was trying to do, but I still have a ways to go. It will be cute! I can't wait to finish it. ♥

*The color, Lagoon Print, reminds me of the ocean, the Pacific Ocean... I'm really going to miss California.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera
Ze pumpkin hat!

Monday, August 23, 2004


Mikey and I are engaged. :) Most people know. He asked me on August 1st. But it still makes me happy everytime I think about that lovely walk on the beach. Best week ever!

And a close-up of the ring because it is absolutely gorgeous. I'm a lucky girl. I love you Mikey! Posted by Hello

Gotta love the Pacific Ocean.

I finished my poncho! I'm so proud. It's my first "design." I had some issues with my neckline stretching out, but I remedied that with a single crochet edge. Works like a charm. I love it. I wonder if anyone would like the pattern. I could probably write it up. It's pretty easy. And it only took 3 skeins of CottonEase. I love the satisfaction of finishing something that I came up with from scratch. Woo. I ♥ knitting. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera
Pretty flowers in California.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


My sidebar was just totally screwed by blogger. Some how most of my template was deleted. *sigh* I'll have to redo it. Later.



This summer has gone by soooo fast! I can't even believe it. I have been knitting but not very much! It's so sad. But once I get back to school knitting will be a time-priority again. It's just hard to justify not going to the beach every chance you get when you are in SoCal. And I've had lots of people visiting and it's just been super crazy and SUPER FUN. I really like it out here. So (not like anyone reads this) I apologize for the neglect. I will be better about posting because I like to keep track of my knitting excursions! Yay! ♥

PS. I discovered that I can post my phone pics from my phone! I just email them to the blogger email and voila! They are posted!!! That is so awesome. See the poncho pics below for the (sucessful) trial run.

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera
Finished poncho?

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera
Not yet.

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from manda.ebner. Make your own badge here.

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A Bit About Me

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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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