Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm back!

I'm back from Europe! It was amazing! I had so much fun and saw so many fabulous things! I took a ton of pictures. Around 1000 to be more specific. Add that to the 1000 my sister and her boyfriend took and the 1000 my friends Tessa and Valerie took and there are a lot of pictures to be had. Here are a few:

First, a picture of us in the Colosseum. That thing is massive. I can't even fathom how magnificent it must have been in it's heyday. I can't believe they built the thing in 8 years. Those crazy Romans...

The Colosseum. (From RtoL: Me, Tessa, Val)

Next, evidence that I did knit along the way. There was plenty of opportunity to knit during the long coach rides between cities. This is somewhere in the first week and I did get a bit more done. However, when we hit Italy, the pace of the tour really picked up and not much was accomplished. And during the last week when we stayed in London... not a stitch was made. Owell. I'm almost to the armpits now...

I did knit along the way!

In Munich, I stumbled upon a yarn shop! The window display was lovely! So colorful and springy. I really wish it had been open, but it was some sort of holiday the day that we were there. Luckily the Hofbrauhaus was still open. THAT was a good time. Steins of beer as big as your head! So fun.

I spy... a yarn store!

And what's this??? Man hands? Knitting? Can it be??? Yes... I taught Mikey how to knit. And the darling brought his knitting with him when he came to London for the last week I was in Europe. This is him starting the second layer of his potholder. :)

Man hands??

And finally, in John Lewis in London, I hit the jackpot. Lots and lots of yarn. And Rowan magazines. I still can't believe this... but I didn't buy anything! I regret this. However, I am moving into a new apartment tomorrow and there are certain expensive expenses that come before British yarn. Boo. It really was lovely though. I had fun squeezing all the pretty balls...

Love the pretty yarn!!!

Things are going to be pretty insane for me in the next couple weeks. I am moving into my new apartment and starting my first real job. I can't believe that I am entering the real world. It's terrifying and exciting all at once. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to visit so many amazing places in Europe. I hope hope hope that I get back there some day... Until next time, CHEERS!


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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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