Thursday, December 15, 2005

My insanity.

Procrastination has driven me to post a picture truly compelling the diagnosis of insanity on my part... Behold the queue of scarf yarn.

Impatient yarn.

Some are Christmas presents. Scratch that... Most are Christmas presents. Most will not be done by Christmas. Ooops. Oh, and I just put in an order at for 3 more scarfs. But I'm really excited about that stuff... the colors are gorgeous!!!

Too bad I don't have more time to knit...

And here is a picture of the crowning glory of my knitting career. The Flower Basket Shawl. This still doesn't capture the beauty, but it's the best picture I got during the "photo shoot."

Best picture of the bunch.

And finally, here is a picture of a gerbera daisy, because it's gross outside with the freezing rain and the wintery mix. I really miss the flowers and the green grass. *sigh*

Pretty flower, I miss you...

Friday, December 02, 2005

The value of natural light.

I finished the Flower Basket Shawl on Thursday and I am exceedingly happy with how it turned out. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever knit. So much so, that I can not shame it with crappy FO pictures. I attempted a quick photo shoot this morning after the blocking pins came out, alas it was a cloudy morning and none of the shots came out. Tomorrow I will attempt another photo session with The Beautious One because it is Saturday and I will finally be allowed free time during the daylight hours. This working from 8-5 is really not helping my self-diagnosed Seasonal Affective Disorder and I really miss the sunlight. So I leave you with The Happy Mistake that is the best part of this shawl.

En pointe: The Happy Mistake

As I mentioned previously, I ran out of blue/green Koigu 4 rows from binding off. This resulted in an emergency trip to The Tangled Web in Chestnut Hill to buy 2 more skeins of the addictive beautiful colors. I bought a berry flavored colorway and it seriously made the shawl. It gracefully draws attention to the lovely points on the scalloped edge. My mistake in calculations was totally worth it. I love it.

I promise better (more encompassing) pictures tomorrow. ♥!

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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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