Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Wanna start somethin'?

Ahhh! I have startitis!!! Look over to the right. I only have TWO (2!?!) things on the needles... I want to start something new and grand and exciting right now!!! But I really should finish the baby sweater...
Whose idea was it to do stripes and intarsia??? All those ends to weave in.... ugh.

At least the baby sweater is all in one piece now and, more importantly, on one needle. Also, if I have any hope of finishing the Mountain Man Socks by September 1st I have to knit them every waking moment of the day until then. Uh oh.

Oh! and here is a picture of the Dream Swatch on my head.
Pretty turquoise head band. I think the people at the grocery store liked it. Personally, I think it went well with my PJs...

But what is that purple loveliness in the photo with me? It's my "teaching aid." I'm knitting fingerless mitts/wrist warmers with Elaine as her first project. I'm using Rowan Felted Tweed and I love the color!!!
So I guess I did start something new...

But I want to knit lace... must... resist... or a nice cozy sweater... the weather is getting a little cooler. Eeeeek!!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

We have a heel!

So I have turned the heel on the first Mountain Man Sock. It turns out to be 10.5" long... Perfect! It's actually pretty cozy on my foot thanks to the ribs. Now I have to decide whether to continue the ribbing around the whole upper part of the sock or just continue the ribbing up the front... What do you think Eric?
My foot does not do the Mountain Man Sock justice. :) It needs a true Mountain Man.
I also finished the Dream Swatch. Woot! It's blocking now and I'm excited to use it as a head band... I'll put pictures of it in action here, once it's done drying.
Turquoise bamboo snake.

Giving it a good blocking... stretch!
Also... I have a new knitting buddy!!! Guess who I taught to knit. Elaine! It's contagious, I tell ya. We are going to make wrist warmer/fingerless mitts for her first project... I'm sure I'll have more details on that as they develop.
Elaine is a natural! She picked it up super quick.
Finally. I took some pictures this weekend of fun things: a trip to the Hollywood Bowl, baking citrus cookies with Elaine, and other random things. They are over to the right on the side bar... click the Flikr thing! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sneak peeks.

So Kaylee left yesterday night on the redeye back to Pittsburgh... I'm sad she's not here. It was great to have company. She even cleaned my apartment!!! Can you believe that? Thanks sista! You can visit anytime!

I have been knitting and the Mountain Man sock is growing. Although it fits the length of my foot, it still has a way to go before the heel turn. Why do guys have such big feet?? I'm still loving the subtle color changes of Trekking XXL. Fun.
Socks! For the man. Haha.
And just a little sneak peek... I finished something tonight... See all the ends I had to weave in? :)
I'm pretty sure my mom is going to like this one.
Have a good night sleep everyone! I know I will.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Oh boy.

I have been busy. Very busy. I was in Pittsburgh for a week (last week) being recertified as an EMT for the Air National Guard. It was actually more like a vacation than military duty because I was able to spend time with my family and my favoritest boy, Eric. Now I'm playing catch up at work. Nothing like a 12 hour work day to bring you back to reality.

Now on to the subject of this blog... the knitting that I do along the way on all of my adventures... And I will begin by thanking my sister Kaylee for modeling all my WIPs while she is visiting me this week!!!

I took a lot of knitting with me to Pittsburgh, figuring that I would get a lot done... Not so much. I did finish one thing: the Sherbet Scarf. I was stuck at the San Diego airport during a security breech fiasco for 3 extra hours. It was during this time that I started - and completed - the second half of the scarf. When we were forced to evacuate the terminal and go back through security, knitting the scarf helped to pass the time while the people standing behind me in line were being horrible pessimistic and predicting that the flight would be cancelled. Argh.
Yay for yummy stripes!

I also got a fair bit of the dream swatch knit during this travel time.
Here, Kaylee models the proper wear of the dream swatch.

However, the poor baby sweater was not touched the entire time I was away... There it sits. Ready for a yoke... Finish me! it cries... Soon.
Kaylee is bigger than a 6mo. baby.

I knit a lot on the Leaf Lace shawl. This one will be finished shortly. I don't want to reveal too much because I want to surprise the mommie. Shhhh!

And I also started something new! Introducing, the Mountain Man Socks. On the way to LAX, I stopped at a couple yarn stores in LA. At one of these fine stores, A Mano Yarn Center, I bought some Trekking XXL in Olive to make Eric some socks. While he was napping on the couch, I measured his feets and started some socks! Eric has large feet... these socks are enormous on my skinny feet, but they fit him just fine. Hopefully, these will be a pair before Labor Day... that is my goal so that he can wear them while we hike in Washington!!! Trekking has such cool color variations and yet this colorway is manly!!! Alright!
Modelled on the hand because the feet are too dirty...

I also bought some Socks that Rock in Apple Valley Road because I couldn't resist the pinks!!! Boy and girl socks for the boy and the girl.
Dude. I'm tired. Hopefully, I'll have time to knit again soon. I need another vacation. And thanks again for being such a sport Kaylee!


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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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