Monday, November 19, 2007

How To Eat A Monkey Cupcake:

A Photo Essay
Happy Monkey Cupcakes.
Rosalind got me monkey cupcakes for my birthday!
They are so happy and cute!
First you eat the ears...
Take a Bite.
Then you take a bite.
Busted Up.
Poor monkey...

But they sure were tasty!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy Birthday! Here's a COLD.

So I know I've been awful at posting lately. I think it's all the holiday knitting I'm doing. There isn't much that I can show...

In other news: today is my birthday. I'm a quarter of a century old. :) I really love birthdays. Unfortunately, I came down with a wicked chest cold today and I feel exactly like crap. I sounded like a little frog this morning. Luckily, my voice has mostly returned. Hopefully I'll feel even better tomorrow.

I was a lucky girl this birthday (besides the cold)! My mom bought me the Knit Picks Harmony needles! My dad got me a fancy pants all in one photo printer. And Eric got me this:
A little sister for my D40!! She's so cute! I will call her Squishy, and she shall be mine, she will be my Squishy... Finding Nemo, anyone?

Anywho... She's a wide angle ultra compact camera. Perfect for carrying everywhere. I took her to lunch with my coworkers today... Say hi, coworkers!
I was feeling so crappy that I couldn't even stomach any cheesecake. Oi. I must really be sick.

Here's to Vitamin C, tea, and sleep! Maybe I'll even have knitting to show next time.

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A Bit About Me

My Photo
CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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