Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I fixed the hat...
Joshua Tree Debut.
Now I have to wash the campfire smoke smell out of it before bestowing it on it's rightful owner... It did a good job keeping my head warm though...
Top View.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cone Head.

Darn it.
Cone Head.
I went too far.
I know my dad has a big head... but so do I and this hat is way to long. :( I had a hunch as I was knitting that I should stop before the last repeat... but nonono... I didn't follow my instinct. This hat is going to be a pain in the rear to rip too!!! So many cable crosses. BOO.

Now for some pretty pictures. Last weekend, Eric and I attempted to go on a day hike in Sequoia. We drove all the way up the windy road to the giant trees.
Moro Rock.
However, I wasn't feeling to well, so we decided to start out with the short Moro Rock climb (more like a 300 ft granite stair case really). About halfway up, I threw up off the side of the granite dome. Gross. Ralphing in public is totally not cool. Amazingly, I persevered and made it too the top (actually, I had to go to the top to find Eric). I'm glad I did, even if I was all shaky and sick, because the views were spectacular.
Western Divide.
Kaweah Valley.
Now, if I can just avoid viruses for the rest of my life, all will be good.


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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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