Monday, July 07, 2008

Oh Hai.

Ellie would like to say Hello.
She will be herding the origami partridge family I have above my desk at work. :)
I've been on vacation! A week off work is wonderful. It was made even more wonderful by my visiting sister and bro-in-law. My dad and his gf came for a couple days too. I'm still sifting through pictures, but we went kayaking at the Channel Islands, to In-N-Out Burger and Trader Joe's multiple times, worked up a sweat at Cardio Barre, cheered on contestants during a taping for the Price is Right, hiked among the Giant Sequoias and ran into a bear, saw 4th of July fireworks, ate yummy Sprinkles & Crumbs cupcakes... we were busy! Photos will come eventually. Check out Kaylee's blog for a few pics to tide you over.

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A Bit About Me

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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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