The prototype.
My lovely lamb model is showcasing my prototype poncho. I knit a stockinette rectangle and dropped strategic stitches to create the ladder effect and then assembled it in the
Knitty Villa fashion. I'm not sure if I would use this construction for a life-sized poncho. I think I might like the "two rectangles sewn together for a v-neck" method. I"m also unsure about the dropped stitches. With this boucle yarn, dropping the stitches back is not the easiest thing in the world. But I like the yarn, even if it is just acrylic and baby yarn. It's like knitting cotton candy! And I think I'll enjoy a Cotton Candy Poncho. :)
In other not so knitting news: I haven't worked much on my Kate Tank. She is languishing in my knitting bag downstairs. I had a lovely time on Memorial Day eating yummy strawberry jello preztel yumminess and delicious pasta salad deliciousness. And there were so many puppies to pet! Have you ever seen a
Malamute in person? So pretty, but so big! And powerful. And needs constant attention. I think I need a smaller dog. I really want a
Boston Terrier! Those guys are so cute! They are on so many commercials right now. Insurance, allergy meds, flea meds, credit cards... these cuties are promoting them all! I saw one down on the Montour Trail the other day and my dad insists that all terriers are crazy. In fact, he says you may aswell call them Boston Crazies. But I don't mind. I will love my Boston Crazy. ♥