Thursday, March 09, 2006


I had some fun dying yarn the last couple of days. Here's a bunch of photos from the experiment.

First I wound a looooooong hank around a door knob and a lamp. It ran almost the whole length of my apartment!

Looooooong hank.

Then I marked the color repeats with acrylic yarn, tying a different color ever 18" or so to deter any tangling, and soaked the whole thing with a bit of wool wash for 15 min.


While the yarn was soaking, I mixed the Kool-aid. Two packages of Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade, two packages of Lemonade, and four packages of Pink Lemonade.


Primary colors?

The yellow dye exhausted quickly, so I had to use it's jar to add more pink. The yellow dangled in limbo while the other colors continued to soak up dye.


Here is a comparison of the pink dye before and after. The yarn sucks the color right out!


I rinsed the yarn afterwards, but it still smells of fruitiness.


Strung out to dry...


And here it is wound into a skein. Now... the colors are not what I expected. I wanted a pale pretty pink. Not a electric melon pink. The other colors are pretty much what I expected so that's cool... As I look at it more and more, it grows on me. It's sorta retro summery colors. Ah well.


When I was winding the yarn into a skein after it dried, the strand broke pretty much in the middle of the hank! I think I must have snipped the yarn when I was cutting off the acrylic ties. But luckily, it broke pretty close to the middle! One ball for each sock. :)

Lucky break!

And that was my adventure in Kool-aid dyeing. It was pretty fun, but I think I would more enjoy professional dyes... Of course, those are not edible and much more potent... sooooo yeah. More safety precautions would have to be taken. Ok. Have a good night. I'm off to knit.

1 comment:

Alice said...

ooo ooo oooo *jumping up and down* (I need to get out more...)

more home-dyed self-striping.

I've been so inspired by all the ones I've seen on blogs, I'm going to spend the next bankholiday weekend with pans and koolaid.

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