Monday, July 20, 2009

Puppy Love.

Piper is continuing to adjust to her new life and routines... She can be a whiney little baby, but she sure is cute. Here are some more photos. Click on any of them to go to my flickr where there are even MORE puppy pics. Enjoy. :)
Food time!
Orange Flower Girl

P.S. She has to wear a cone now because her spay incision is swollen and not healing as quickly as we'd like. Poor girl. Hopefully it can come off soon.


Team Knit said...

adorable!! I hope her incision heals soon.

- Julie

Angela said...

What a cutie pie!

Katherine said...

cones are the worst - my pup had the same thing - her spay stitches and staples (our vet said whoever did had to be a student or clueless) and it got all swollen too!
poor pup - she looks so cute in the cone though.

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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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