Friday, July 22, 2005


Yo! Wow... I haven't posted in over a month. But that's because I haven't really knit at all in the last month. And it's KILLING ME.

This lack of knitting coincides with a my first real new job as a biochemical engineer, my very own new apartment near Philly, and a life altering event involving a new boy. *sigh* My life has been a very dramatic movie script these last couple of months. I don't really post about my personal life on this blog for the most part (to protect the innocent), and I intend to keep this blog primarily knitting focused.

That being said, there has been no knitting, hence no posting. SO. When I have the focus to start up knitting again (which I must do soon lest I go insane) the posting to this little corner 'o the web will recommence.

Until then, happy knitting!

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CA, United States
I like pizza. And knitting. And photography. This place is to keep track of my antics. Enjoy.

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